About Work Integrated Learning (WIL)

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For general enquiries about Work Integrated Learning at UNSW please contact WIL Central

E: wil.central@unsw.edu.au  
T: +61 (2) 9065 1112

Real Work. Real Experience. Real Learning

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) at UNSW refers to work learning experiences undertaken by students as part of their program of study. WIL enables students to work directly in or with an industry or community organisation to gain real-world experience in preparation for a future career.

WIL enables students to engage in authentic, purposeful, partnered, supervised and assessed work learning experiences that integrate academic learning with its application in the workplace   

WIL provides the means to ‘do in context’ rather than developing practical skills alone; it enables students to develop work readiness skills to industry standards and enhances employability. This realises the UNSW 2025 Strategy to enable students to ‘... obtain a holistic education, securing the real-world practical skills needed for a rapidly evolving workplace’.

WIL activities vary and might include: 

  • Placements (internships, clinicals) whereby a student performs course-related work while embedded within a partner organisation; and 
  • Projects requiring students to complete specific deliverables for a partner organisation with that organisation acting as a mentor and/or client to students. 

WIL may take place in a variety of contexts including:  

  • On or off campus, face-to-face, or online  
  • Office-based, clinical, or field-work  
  • Paid or unpaid  

Through doing WIL, students develop critical skills required for success in the workplace, learn about workplace culture, and develop professional networks thus enhancing their employability and career success.

WIL plays an important part in the education of the next generation of workers and citizens and assists students to find, follow and fulfil their own aspirations for the future.